Blog Posts

Refit .NET - my personal caller best practise

Refit .NET - my personal caller best practise

Refit is an open-source library for .NET developers that simplifies the process of making HTTP API calls. It allows developers to define a set of int

Strong Name Sign .NET Assemblies via SNK

Strong Name Sign .NET Assemblies via SNK

Strong Name Signing is a mechanism in .NET development that ensures the integrity and authenticity of assemblies. It is based on a public-private key

Handle Yaml Files with .NET

Handle Yaml Files with .NET

YAML files are unfortunately part of everyday life for all developers these days; and although they are very error-prone and almost impossible to edi

Welcome to the new Visual Studio SLNX Solution File

Welcome to the new Visual Studio SLNX Solution File

For many years, there has been a lot of criticism of Visual Studio's current solution format. It is very difficult to read, it does not follow any st

Enable NuGet Audit for better DevSecOps in .NET

Enable NuGet Audit for better DevSecOps in .NET

Auditing is becoming increasingly important in the everyday life of a developer; however, until now there was no particularly good way in .NET - even

ASP.NET Core Form protection with Cloudflare's Turnstile

ASP.NET Core Form protection with Cloudflare's Turnstile

TLDR; You can see the full sample in my GitHub repository BEN ABT Samples - ASP.NET Core Form protection with Cloudflare's Turnstile Turnstile is a

Use GitHub Copilot Chat in Visual Studio to solve the .NET Moq drama and migrate to NSubstitute

Use GitHub Copilot Chat in Visual Studio to solve the .NET Moq drama and migrate to NSubstitute

It's now been a few months since the GDPR-drama and data-harvesting around Moq (Stop using Moq as a guinea pig to get feedback on and develop Sponsor

.NET Event Counters

.NET Event Counters

.NET event counters are a relatively new API for collecting metrics from .NET applications. They are part of the EventSource and EventCounter namespa

Top 5 Git Commit Message Best Practises in 2024

Top 5 Git Commit Message Best Practises in 2024

When you join a project as a new developer, you see one thing above all: no standards for Git commit messages. Some put emojis in the message, others

Custom Azure Application Insights Telemetry Metrics with .NET

Custom Azure Application Insights Telemetry Metrics with .NET

By default, Azure Application Insights comes with necessary and important telemetry capabilities to monitor the basic functions of an application and