Blog Posts

.NET Naming Best Practises: Services vs. Providers

.NET Naming Best Practises: Services vs. Providers

In many code bases there are Services and Providers - and often they do the same thing structurally; but what is the idea of a Service- and Provider-

.NET Naming Best Practises: Database Entities

.NET Naming Best Practises: Database Entities

Database entities are the objects that represent the tables in your database. They are the objects that you use to read and write the database. Namin

.NET Naming Best Practises: DTOs

.NET Naming Best Practises: DTOs

Often seen, often used incorrectly: DTOs. Data Transfer Objects. In principle, DTO is an umbrella term, a design pattern that is used to transfer dat

Text and EMail Templates with Handlebars.NET

Text and EMail Templates with Handlebars.NET

A frequent requirement in apps is the conversion of templates, e.g. for sending e-mails, for PDF templates or other text modules. There are many diff

Create QR Codes with .NET

Create QR Codes with .NET

QR codes are a simple and very popular way of exchanging data and information - even in .NET. They have become part of everyday life. Unfortunately,

Deploy ASP.NET Core via Zip Deployment to Azure Web App

Deploy ASP.NET Core via Zip Deployment to Azure Web App

There are various ways to deploy an application, but Zip deployment is the variant that is recommended the most - regardless of whether you are using

New Data Annotation attributes with .NET 8

New Data Annotation attributes with .NET 8

With .NET 8, the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations Namespace has been revised and some new attributes have been added that have been requested by

The well-structured Entity in EF Core

The well-structured Entity in EF Core

A database entity represents an identifiable entry, often also things from the real world, which are to be stored and managed in the database. The pu

When to use optional arguments and parameter defaults in c#

When to use optional arguments and parameter defaults in c#

In C#, optional arguments are parameters in a method that have default values specified in the method's declaration. This means that when you call th

.NET 8 makes you faster. Everyday.

.NET 8 makes you faster. Everyday.

As has been the case for many releases, the .NET 8 team is spending a lot of development effort to improve the .NET Runtime in terms of performance.