Blog Posts

What is .NET and what is the difference to C#?

What is .NET and what is the difference to C#?

.NET and C# (CSharp) are two closely related technologies, but they are not the same thing. Understanding the difference between the two can be confu

Difference between Add and AddAsync in EF Core

Difference between Add and AddAsync in EF Core

Using Add or AddAsync in Entity Framework Core can be a little confusing, especially for those new to working with databases and ORMs (Object-Relatio

ChatGPT answers are cut off - how to fix

ChatGPT answers are cut off - how to fix

ChatGPT is a variant of the GPT-3 language model specifically designed for chatbot applications. It was trained on a large dataset of human-human con

Test your .NET exceptions with FluentAssertions

Test your .NET exceptions with FluentAssertions

Testing exceptions in your code is an important part of ensuring that your code is robust and behaves correctly under various scenarios. One way to t

Get Process Id by Name or Path with .NET

Get Process Id by Name or Path with .NET

Getting the process ID by the name or path of a process can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as being able to kill a hanging process or check

Avoid Caching with MemoryCache and GetOrCreate in .NET

Avoid Caching with MemoryCache and GetOrCreate in .NET

GetOrCreate or its asynchronous counterpart GetOrCreateAsync is an extension method to create a cache entry if it does not exist yet. This method tak

Validate Configuration Options with ASP.NET Core

Validate Configuration Options with ASP.NET Core

Configuring an ASP.NET Core application can be done in a variety of ways, including using command-line arguments, environment variables, and JSON fil

What is a NullReferenceException in .NET and how can it be avoided?

What is a NullReferenceException in .NET and how can it be avoided?

A NullReferenceException is a common error that occurs in .NET applications when a null reference is accessed as if it were an object. This can happe

Avoid hardcoded Microsoft URLs with Bicep environments

Avoid hardcoded Microsoft URLs with Bicep environments

Bicep has a great feature, which meanwhile also leads to warnings during execution if you don't pay attention to it: the avoidance of static values l

Create a Fulltext Catalog with EF Core .NET Migrations for MSSQL

Create a Fulltext Catalog with EF Core .NET Migrations for MSSQL

A full-text catalog in Microsoft SQL Server is a specialized storage that is used to store and manage full-text indexes for one or more tables in a d