Blog Posts

Write Json Files asynchronously with .NET

Write Json Files asynchronously with .NET

Writing JSON files asynchronously is a useful technique for improving the performance and scalability of your application. By using an asynchronous a

ActivityPub Protocol

ActivityPub Protocol

ActivityPub is an open, decentralized social networking protocol that allows users to share content and interact with each other across the internet.

List local Windows Administator names with PowerShell

List local Windows Administator names with PowerShell

To list the local administator accounts, you can just use the group membership command Get-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators" Object

List local Windows Administator names with .NET

List local Windows Administator names with .NET

First, you need to install the NuGet Package System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement Now you can open a context and get all members of the built-i

Enrich Token Claims with ASP.NET Core

Enrich Token Claims with ASP.NET Core

Often you have the requirement that you need or want to add additional claims to a token - either the, ID token or the access token. This is especial

Create Azure Active Directory App Registration with Azure CLI

Create Azure Active Directory App Registration with Azure CLI

There are now an insane number of ways to register applications in Azure Active Directory - but many ways are no longer supported or have been discon

.NET Updates März 2022

.NET Updates März 2022

Heute hat Microsoft die .NET Updates von März 2022 auf ihrem Blogpost veröffentlicht. Fix CVE-2020-8927: .NET Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Fi

20th Year! Happy Birthday .NET!

20th Year! Happy Birthday .NET!

20 years ago today .NET was released! Congratulations - you are the best ecosystem!

Serve a SPA like Angular or React on Azure App Service for Linux

Serve a SPA like Angular or React on Azure App Service for Linux

In many scenarios it can make sense to host single page applications via an Azure Web App, for example if you have many small applications - then the

ASP.NET Core 7 Roadmap veröffentlicht

ASP.NET Core 7 Roadmap veröffentlicht

Das Microsoft ASP.NET Team hat nun die Roadmap zu .NET 7 veröffentlicht. Der Release ist für November 2022 geplant. Der GitHub Link: ASP.NET Core Roa