What's Bicep on Azure and why you should use it?
To generate resources automatically in Azure, you could either do Azure Resource Manager templates, which no one really wanted to do because they are
To generate resources automatically in Azure, you could either do Azure Resource Manager templates, which no one really wanted to do because they are
.NET now has a very powerful CLI that can also handle NuGet packages very well. But one important feature is missing: check if there are package upda
Dieser Artikel behandelt den korrekten Umgang sowie Best Practises und Empfehlungen von Datums- und Zeitinformationen, Zeitzonen und Betriebssystem-E
Gestern hat Microsoft die .NET Updates von November 2021 auf ihrem Blogpost veröffentlicht. Dieses Update enthält nur die aktualisierten Laufzeitumge
For some time now, GitHub has offered the possibility to create custom pr templates, so that a kind of template is automatically embedded in the edit
Every time a new repository is created on GitHub there is one problem: the structure and appearance of readme.md. But thanks to Katherine Peterson (s
Heute hat Microsoft die .NET Updates von Oktober 2021 auf ihrem Blogpost veröffentlicht. Fix CVE-2021-41355 | .NET Core Information Disclosure Vulne
To copy text to the clipboard with .NET Framework, usually you have used .NET wrapper of Windows Forms: System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText Howev
Our deployment ran smooth for weeks. But suddenly and without warning and only for one app, the "Bad Gateway" error appeared when deploying
In addition to classes that represent reference types, there are also structs that represent value types. But how do the two different structures beh