Blog Posts

Convert ext4 file system to the new btrfs on a Synology NAS

Convert ext4 file system to the new btrfs on a Synology NAS

After five years I decided to replace my Synology DS213air with a new Synology DS718+. The reasons were: More power Support to run Docker Hardware E

Easily update all git submodules

Easily update all git submodules

I often use a larger Visual Studio solutions to handle a bunch of simple NuGet projects. And more often I only update references or NuGet packages. B

Set up a really cheap build agent to support NPM 5 and Angular 5 in Visual Studio Team Services

Set up a really cheap build agent to support NPM 5 and Angular 5 in Visual Studio Team Services

Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) - I will name it just Team Services - is the best and most powerful tool for work items, code repositories, contin

ASP.NET Core - Using TempData

ASP.NET Core - Using TempData

TempData is next to ViewBag and ViewData a common way to handle data for Requests and Views. ViewData and ViewBag is only available in the current re

ASP.NET Core 2.0 Upgrade causes HTTP 502

ASP.NET Core 2.0 Upgrade causes HTTP 502

A lot of guys run into an error during the upgrade fom ASP.NET Core 1.x to ASP.NET Core 2.0: HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure The reason is very

Verleihung Microsoft MVP 2017

Verleihung Microsoft MVP 2017

Am 1. Juli 2017 war es wieder so weit: und es hat geklappt. Nach den Jahren 2015 und 2016 hat mich Microsoft zum dritten Mal in Folge als Microsoft M

Aktualisierung meiner Entwicklermaschine

Aktualisierung meiner Entwicklermaschine

Nun war es wieder so weit: es kam die Zeit für die neue Heim-PC Hardware. Bisher hatte ich folgendes Setup: Intel Core i7 4770K (4 Kerne, 8 Threads)

Disable Windows 10 Game Mode

Disable Windows 10 Game Mode

Sometimes I play games like Rocket League. Not very active, but sometimes. In the past my playtime was laggy. I thought my graphic card is not powerf

Partnerschaft DWX 2017

Partnerschaft DWX 2017

In Zusammenarbeit mit der DWX verlost das Team von Tickets für die Developer Week, die vom 26. bis 29. Juni in Nürnberg stattfindet. Ebe

Better exception details with ASP.NET Core

Better exception details with ASP.NET Core

By default, ASP.NET Core suppresses Exceptions on Startup on external environments. So you only get Exceptions in Startup on localhost. Sometimes, es