Blog Posts

Create an Entra Local User Account via Microsoft Graph with .NET

Create an Entra Local User Account via Microsoft Graph with .NET

The Microsoft Graph and Entra documentation are both very comprehensive and provide a lot of information - but they often contain no examples or no w

Easy handling of optional Azure Web App settings in Bicep

Easy handling of optional Azure Web App settings in Bicep

Often you don't need all the configurations of an app per stage; sometimes they are optional. This is often the case for the development stage in par

The power of Aggressive Inlining in .NET and C#

The power of Aggressive Inlining in .NET and C#

If you browse through certain libraries or the .NET Runtime from time to time, you will notice that the attribute MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlinin

Replace FluentAssertions with AI

Replace FluentAssertions with AI

New year - new .NET drama. You would have thought that positive lessons had been learned from the last Moq drama; but we were proven wrong. What happ

Advanced Usage of MSSQL Indexed Views in EF Core

Advanced Usage of MSSQL Indexed Views in EF Core

In the world of Microsoft SQL Server, views are a powerful tool for simplifying complex data queries. Simple views offer no real performance gain but

Use a hidden Google API to load favicons

Use a hidden Google API to load favicons

Recently I have been working more and more with HTML and frontend development in general and had the task of loading favicons from various addresses