Easy handling of optional Azure Web App settings in Bicep

Easy handling of optional Azure Web App settings in Bicep

Often you don't need all the configurations of an app per stage; sometimes they are optional. This is often the case for the development stage in par

Efficient deserialization of Json files on Azure Blob Storage with .NET

Efficient deserialization of Json files on Azure Blob Storage with .NET

System.Text.Json is currently the most modern way to handle Json files efficiently. Efficiency here also means that memory sparing files are read in.

Avoid hardcoded Microsoft URLs with Bicep environments

Avoid hardcoded Microsoft URLs with Bicep environments

Bicep has a great feature, which meanwhile also leads to warnings during execution if you don't pay attention to it: the avoidance of static values l

Create Azure Active Directory App Registration with Azure CLI

Create Azure Active Directory App Registration with Azure CLI

There are now an insane number of ways to register applications in Azure Active Directory - but many ways are no longer supported or have been discon

Serve a SPA like Angular or React on Azure App Service for Linux

Serve a SPA like Angular or React on Azure App Service for Linux

In many scenarios it can make sense to host single page applications via an Azure Web App, for example if you have many small applications - then the

Validate Bicep config during CI/CD with Azure DevOps

Validate Bicep config during CI/CD with Azure DevOps

Bicep scripts are ideally part of the source code and can also be used as such in the build process of the application. This allows us to perform pot

What's Bicep on Azure and why you should use it?

What's Bicep on Azure and why you should use it?

To generate resources automatically in Azure, you could either do Azure Resource Manager templates, which no one really wanted to do because they are

Loggen eigener Werte mit Azure Application Insights

Loggen eigener Werte mit Azure Application Insights

Um eigene Werte in Application Insights loggen zu können, muss ein eigener ITelemetryInitializer erzeugt werden. Dieser dient nun dazu, dass der ents

Loggen des User Agent mit Azure Application Insights

Loggen des User Agent mit Azure Application Insights

Standardmäßig wird der User-Agent des HTTP-Requests nicht von der Application Insights Middleware des ASP.NET SDKs gespeichert; vermutlich aufgrund d

Azure Active Directory nun auf .NET Core!

Azure Active Directory nun auf .NET Core!

Azure Active Directory gehört zu den größten Anwendungen im Azure Ökosystem und vermutlich zu einer der größten Anwendungen der Welt. Microsoft hat n

Loggen des Referers mit Azure Application Insights

Loggen des Referers mit Azure Application Insights

Standardmäßig wird der Referer, also die Quelle des Aurufs des HTTP-Requests, nicht von der Application Insights Middleware des ASP.NET SDKs gespeich

Was ist Azure Static Web Apps?

Was ist Azure Static Web Apps?

An der Microsoft Build 2020 hat Microsoft seinen neuen Dienst Azure Static Web Apps vorgestellt. Auch wenn die Bezeichnung Static Web Apps zunächst e

Microsoft Build 2020 - Neues für .NET Entwickler

Microsoft Build 2020 - Neues für .NET Entwickler

Am heutigen Dienstag um 17 Uhr deutscher Zeit startete die Microsoft Build - dieses Jahr als kostenloser Online-Event statt einem kostenpflichtigen O

Store Messages of Azure IoT Hub to Azure Blob Storage

Store Messages of Azure IoT Hub to Azure Blob Storage

In most cases, Azure IoT Hub messages should be stored for a longer period of time. In fact, there are several ways to achieve this goal - and there

Device Twins vs Digital Twins in Azure IoT

Device Twins vs Digital Twins in Azure IoT

Device Twin vs. Digital Twin in Azure IoT Again and again you read about Device Twins, Digital Twins or Device Shadows - but what is that actually, a

Setup the local Azure IoT Edge development container

Setup the local Azure IoT Edge development container

Azure IoT Edge as a product is in principle not just a simple application or a simple container, but is actually more of a runtime for an ecosystem o

Azure IoT: send messages with C#

Azure IoT: send messages with C#

Requirements You must have created an IoT Hub in Azure. You must have created a device in your created Azure IoT Hub. You need the connection string

Setting up an Azure IoT Hub

Setting up an Azure IoT Hub

The Azure IoT Hub is a highly scalable, secure platform for the bidirectional communication of devices and software components in the sense of IoT -

Upload to Azure Storage with PHP

Upload to Azure Storage with PHP

I had the wonderful task to change a 20 year old PHP software during a Lift-and-Shift migration to Azure, so that it doesn't store files directly in

Update Azure Storage Blob Properties with PowerShell

Update Azure Storage Blob Properties with PowerShell

In the past days I uploaded a lot of files to an Azure Blob Storage using the Azure Storage Explorer. Unfortunately, I forgot to specify system prope

Azure Saturday 2018: Keynote by Donovan Brown

Azure Saturday 2018: Keynote by Donovan Brown

Yesterday we had the Azure Saturday 2018. Enjoy the Keynote Enterprise transformation (and you can too) by Donovan Brown: Azure Saturday Azure Satur

IoT im Maschinenbau: die Cloud ist nicht genug

IoT im Maschinenbau: die Cloud ist nicht genug

Effizient und sicher in der Connected Factory mit Edge Computing Cloud-Projekte in Unternehmen haben in den aller meisten Fällen eines gemeinsam: die

Microsoft Azure CosmosDB Unique Key Policy

Microsoft Azure CosmosDB Unique Key Policy

If you want to create custom unique keys inside a collections, you can simply create a UniqueKeyPolicy while creating your collection. private static

Aktivieren des impliziten OAuth2 Flow in Azure Active Directory

Aktivieren des impliziten OAuth2 Flow in Azure Active Directory

Implicit OAuth2 Flow Der Implicit OAuth2 Flow ist eine vereinfachte Variante des Browser-Ablaufs für Clients, die zum Beispiel auf JavaScript basiere