Enable NuGet Audit for better DevSecOps in .NET

Enable NuGet Audit for better DevSecOps in .NET

Enable NuGet Audit for better DevSecOps in .NET

Auditing is becoming increasingly important in the everyday life of a developer; however, until now there was no particularly good way in .NET - even the lock file still has its deficiencies. You had to rely on third-party packages in order to carry out real auditing of your packages and references or use security software such as WhiteSource or Snyk.

Since NuGet 6.8 or .NET 8 (SDK 8.0.100) there is an integrated SDK option.

Enable NuGet Audit

Open your Directory.Build.props file and add the following:

    <!-- NuGet -->
  • NuGetAudit enables Audit during the build process.
  • NuGetAuditLevel specifies the minimum severity level of vulnerabilities to report.
  • NuGetAuditMode specifies the mode of the audit.

If you dont have a Directory.Build.props file, you can create one in the root of your project (which is recommended) or add that to all of your projects.

Now, you will see an output like

------ Build started: Project: EntityFrameworkDemo.Database.SqlServer.Migrations, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
------ Build started: Project: EntityFrameworkDemo.Apps.Console, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------

C:\source\benabt\ba-efcore-best-practises\src\EntityFrameworkDemo.Apps.Console\EntityFrameworkDemo.Apps.Console.csproj : warning NU1903: Package 'Azure.Identity' 1.7.0 has a known high severity vulnerability, https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-5mfx-4wcx-rv27
C:\source\benabt\ba-efcore-best-practises\src\EntityFrameworkDemo.Apps.Console\EntityFrameworkDemo.Apps.Console.csproj : warning NU1903: Package 'Microsoft.Data.SqlClient' 5.1.1 has a known high severity vulnerability, https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-98g6-xh36-x2p7
C:\source\benabt\ba-efcore-best-practises\src\EntityFrameworkDemo.Apps.Console\EntityFrameworkDemo.Apps.Console.csproj : warning NU1902: Package 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens' 6.24.0 has a known moderate severity vulnerability, https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-59j7-ghrg-fj52
C:\source\benabt\ba-efcore-best-practises\src\EntityFrameworkDemo.Apps.Console\EntityFrameworkDemo.Apps.Console.csproj : warning NU1902: Package 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens' 6.24.0 has a known moderate severity vulnerability, https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-8g9c-28fc-mcx2
C:\source\benabt\ba-efcore-best-practises\src\EntityFrameworkDemo.Apps.Console\EntityFrameworkDemo.Apps.Console.csproj : warning NU1902: Package 'System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt' 6.24.0 has a known moderate severity vulnerability, https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-59j7-ghrg-fj52
C:\source\benabt\ba-efcore-best-practises\src\EntityFrameworkDemo.Apps.Console\EntityFrameworkDemo.Apps.Console.csproj : warning NU1902: Package 'System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt' 6.24.0 has a known moderate severity vulnerability, https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-8g9c-28fc-mcx2

NuGet Audit in Visual Studio

If you are using Visual Studio, you can see the audit results in the Error List / Output window. No additional settings are needed. The only requirement is Visual Studio 2022 v17.8 or newer.
