Custom GitHub Pull Request Templates
For some time now, GitHub has offered the possibility to create custom pr templates, so that a kind of template is automatically embedded in the edit
For some time now, GitHub has offered the possibility to create custom pr templates, so that a kind of template is automatically embedded in the edit
Every time a new repository is created on GitHub there is one problem: the structure and appearance of But thanks to Katherine Peterson (s
Heute hat Microsoft die .NET Updates von Oktober 2021 auf ihrem Blogpost veröffentlicht. Fix CVE-2021-41355 | .NET Core Information Disclosure Vulne
To copy text to the clipboard with .NET Framework, usually you have used .NET wrapper of Windows Forms: System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText Howev
Our deployment ran smooth for weeks. But suddenly and without warning and only for one app, the "Bad Gateway" error appeared when deploying