Microsoft MVP 2019 - .NET and Azure

Microsoft MVP 2019 - .NET and Azure

Microsoft MVP 2019 - .NET and Azure

It was this time again: the annual cycle of the Microsoft MVP re-nomination.

Thousands of MVPs sat in front of their computers on the first of July hoping that they would be another year of MVP and part of this special community - me too.

And fortunately it worked: I was awarded Microsoft MVP for the fifth time in a row! And not only that: in addition to my existing category "Development Technologies", for my activities around .NET, ASP.NET and Azure DevOps I received the Microsoft MVP award also for a second category: Azure!

This makes me extremly happy, because not only .NET and ASP.NET are part of my focus for some years, but due to my background in mechanical engineering also industrial IoT and hybrid IoT is part of my topics.


Many thanks to all - also to Microsoft - who accompanied me on my MVP way and made this possible for me! Congratulations to all the other MVPs who were nominated again this year - the community is outstanding!

I'm really looking forward to being MVP for another year, helping the community and being a part of it :-)